"The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears"
Welcome to the Worcestershire Hunt Website page. We hope you enjoy finding out about us, our hounds and our history.
The Worcestershire Hunt is built on a foundation of supportive, loyal hunting farmers and landowners. Our ethos is family and fun – we work hard to play hard. Our friendly hunting community is made up of people from varied walks of life, backgrounds and range of ages. We also have a fantastic network of supporters' clubs that raise funds to ensure the running of the hunt as well as raising money for charity.

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Hunting in Worcestershire is well recorded as far back as the mid eighteenth century with many private packs kept by land owners such as; the Earls of Coventry, Vernons of Hanbury and two branches of Berkeleys of Spetchley and Cotheridge. Kennel accounts from 1732 record some of the expenditure, the Squire of Cotheridge records the hounds cost £60. 5s.6d during the year.
Hounds moved from their old kennels at Froxmere to new kennels at Fernhill Heath in 1871 where they remain today, the cost of building the huntsman's house, cottages, stables and kennels was £4745.5s. The country was then divided, the northern portion staying as the Worcestershire, the southern portion became Lord Coventry’s (Croome).